Welcome to my Happy Place! Where books come to life and I try my best to tell their stories.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
On the road again!
Hey guys a quick post to let everyone know I may not post again for a little while. It is moving day and that means I am not sure when I will have Internet access at our next duty station, but as soon as I do I can get back to work! :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Something Borrowed By Emily Griffin Review
Something Borrowed
By Emily Griffin
Rachel has spent her entire life
catering to Darcy’s needs, and always coming in second to the high strung and
gorgeous Darcy. Then on Rachel’s thirtieth birthday she drinks a bit too much
and finds herself in bed with Darcy’s fiancé. Rachel knows it is wrong but soon
she can’t help the feelings that have grown inside of her as she realizes she
loves Dex.

For the first time someone has taken
the “other woman’s” side and though it may be an interesting perspective she is
still the other woman, and with that comes the stigma of “she is such an
idiot.” Emily Griffin manages to create such an unlikable character in Darcy
you can’t help but side with Rachel no matter how hard you try, and just when
you start to sympathize with Darcy and think Rachel is indeed a bad person she
pulls something out of her sleeve that will make you rethink taking Darcy’s
side to begin with. This wasn’t a bad book, it was certainly well written, I
think this is one of those books that will be torn between sections you will
either love it or hate it no middle ground.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Monday, August 27, 2012
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins Review
The Hunger Games Book Two
By Suzanne Collins
Katniss has inadvertently started a
revolution with the way she won the Hunger Games, bringing her to the forefront
of President Snow’s attention. This year when the Hunger Games are announced it
is on a “special occasion” and this year’s contestants will be chosen out of
the winners of the previous Games. So once again Katniss is thrown into the
arena to fight for her life and hopefully protect Peeta whom she has come to
care for more than she realized.
This book was interesting but not as
good as the beginning, the relationships that Katniss forms in this book are
not as provoking as they were in the previous one though the author does
introduce a myriad of characters who become unlikely allies who compromise an
interesting outlook from the previous novel. The progression of the story was exciting
and necessary, but hopefully Suzanna Collins can bring the lost romance back
into the third book even though the progression between Peeta and Katniss is
fun it was often times too subtle. I can’t wait to read Mockingjay the third
and final book of the Hunger Games Trilogy to see what will happen next.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Sunday, August 26, 2012
That Thing Called Love by Susan Andersen Review
Razor Bay Book One
By Susan Andersen
When Jake Bradshaw was a teenager his
girlfriend ended up pregnant, Jake tried to do right by the girl he loved and
his unborn child by getting married and taking on a job that would help him support
his new family and passing up on his scholarship and a chance to leave the
small town he had come to loathe, when his wife dies and his mother and father
in law offer to take his son so he can pursue his college education Jake jumps
at the chance. Thirteen years later Austin’s grandparents have both passed away
leaving him with Jenny Salazar who has been like an older sister to him since
his grandparents took her into their home when she was sixteen. Jenny would
love nothing more than to keep Austin with her, but Jake decides this is the
chance he needs to make up to Austin for not being in his life and wants him to
come be with him, but he soon gets more than he bargained for.
I wasn’t sure I would like this
novel, I mean a dead beat dad doesn’t scream “read me” what I didn’t count on
was that Susan Andersen is such an interesting composer that you will end up
falling in love with Jake and his many flaws. Not only does the author make you
feel for such an unlikely character she brings to life the full cast of
characters in such a way that each one is intriguing from Jenny and the trials
she has faced to Max, Jake’s half-brother, and even Harper who doesn’t come
into the picture until later in the story, making you thoroughly anticipate the
rest of the series. This is definitely an interesting concept and unlike
anything I have read previously making it well worth the read.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Friday, August 24, 2012
Murder Most Frothy by Cleo Coyle Review
Coffeehouse Mystery Series Book Two
By Cleo Coyle
Clare Cosi lives for coffee, ever
since she was a child, so it is no surprise that she is a highly successful New
York barista. Her millionaire friend David has asked her down to the Hamptons
for the summer to train his staff at his new restaurant with all expenses paid
for her and her daughter it is an offer she cannot refuse, but during a Fourth
of July party she is catering she stumbles upon the dead body of one of her
employees she takes it upon herself to find out who killed this man and if
their attempts weren’t actually meant for someone else.
This was a great cozy, the first book
I have read from the Coffeehouse Mystery Series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
This book is witty and humorous fulfilling much of what I expect when I read a
cozy mystery. The Author did a wonderful job in describing the coffee that even
for someone like me, who doesn’t particularly like it; I wanted to taste the
delectable creations that Cleo Coyle describes. The coffee isn’t the only thing
that the author was able to create brilliantly; her scenes were able to draw
you in so that you were able to fully take in what was happening, also the
relationships that the author has created make you curious as to what has taken
place in the past and what will become of the menagerie of characters. The
mystery itself, though not intense since it is a cozy, will keep you guessing
until the very last minute and the author does a remarkable job of tying up any
“loose ends” that some mystery authors tend to overlook.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Crossed by Ally Condie Review
Matched Book Two
By Ally Condie
Cassia is determined to find Ky after
he has been taken by the Society into the Outer Provinces where the Society
intends for him to be a casualty in the ongoing war. But after Cassia arrives
she finds that Ky has already escaped into the mountainous caverns. Along the
way she discovers remnants of a society that has survived until now and other
startling revelations. Soon her journey is not just about finding Ky but also
joining the rebellion in hopes of changing the Society itself.
In this book we find out more about
Ky and his past as he relives lost memories that have resurfaced due to being
in close proximity to where he has once lived, the life Ky once had is so
captivating but we also learn more about Xander and Cassia creating a more
diverse love triangle between the three and the reader dying to know who Cassia
will chose. This entire novel may not have been as great as the first one,
sequels rarely are, but the more the story progresses the more enthralling it
becomes. Ally Condie did a remarkable job in expanding the story into so much
more, creating two other civilizations to coincide with the Society and adding
new dimensions to an already fascinating story.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Ghost Radio by Leopoldo Gout Review
By Leopoldo Gout
Joaquin is the host of a popular
occult orientated radio show where people call in to relay their bizarre
stories. Joaquin has experienced his own share of life altering events that
have lead him to opening the radio show as a forum for people who need to share
and hopefully be able to come to terms with what has happened to them.
Everything is going exceptionally well for Joaquin he has even been given a job
to broadcast in the states for the first time, but soon the stories from his
show aren’t just stories as strange events begin to bleed over into his
everyday life.
The author did a great job with this
novel it is strange and riddled with smaller scary stories that keep you
immerged in the story. The main plot line is, well weird it leaves you wanting
more and in the end when the true events come to light you are left feeling
empty. It was a good ending for the novel but for me I wish it had been better
there are so many directions the author could have gone with this one and I
feel the one he chose fell flat. The rest of the novel is brilliant and thought
provoking, the smaller stories are creepy and interesting, all in all it is a
good book too bad you can’t skip the end.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie Review
By Jennifer Crusie
Career orientated businesswoman Kate
Svenson has decided to get married all now she needs to do is follow her
business plan that she drafted for finding the perfect man to settle down with.
She decides to go to an exclusive resort in Kentucky where a lot of powerful
men vacation in hopes of finding her Mr. Right. But after one disastrous date
after another she decides to give up completely and then is taken off guard
when her Mr. Right was under her nose the entire time.
Not many books can make me laugh out
loud I may smile and enjoy a scene but to laugh out right is embarrassing but
this book was so cute and amusing I couldn’t help myself. Jennifer Crusie has
written a fun steamy romance, full of finding love and learning that you cannot
always plan every detail of your life no matter how hard you try. I loved Jake
the heart throb and the laziest man in the world his outlook on life may be
jaded but he makes this book, and the antics that Kate finds herself in as she
accidentally maims one date after another, even though sometimes it’s not quite
an accident. If you enjoy contemporary
romances then this is definitely worth the read.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Book review,
Jennifer Crusie,
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
By Nicholas Sparks
He comes every morning with his
tattered notebook to read to her, the story of Noah and Allie. It started with
a summer romance, but after that summer they are separated thinking they will
never see the other again. Until one day Allie sees a house in a newspaper, it
is the house that Noah had always said he would restore and he did. Allie who
is engaged to be married decides she needs to see Noah and to tell him of the
engagement herself and hopefully be able to move on with her life, but soon
they fall in love all over again.
Nicholas Sparks is an evil, evil man
I never begin any of his novels without a box of tissues by my side, I have
only come across one of his books so far that didn’t leave me in tears, but
this novel put the others I have read to shame. It is so beautiful and moving,
the love the main characters share is so strong that the thought of it can
cause me to emit a heartfelt sigh. I had put off reading this book for a while
now because I had seen the movie and if this book was anything like it I knew I
would be crying like a baby, but I was not prepared for what awaited me.
Whereas the movie focuses a lot on the summer the two spent together this novel
focuses on the time that came after and I don’t think it could have been
better. I wish I had read this a long time ago it was absolutely amazing.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Love Lies and Liqour by M.C. Beaton
Love, Lies and Liquor
Agatha Raisin Mystery Series Book
By M.C. Beaton
Agatha Raisin decides to go on a
holiday with her ex-husband but when he takes her to his favorite childhood
retreat and finds the town has become dilapidated and crude they soon decide to
venture elsewhere. Until a woman is found strangled on the beach by Agatha’s
scarf and Agatha becomes determined to find out who killed this woman.
I have recently fallen in love with
Cozy Mysteries, a subgenre of crime fiction where sex and violence are
presented in a more light hearted way, and this one has proven that when you
supply witty context a bit of humor and an intriguing murder mystery it makes
for a fantastic read. This is my first Agatha Raisin novel and it managed to
pull me in and make me eager to find out more of her story. Agatha runs a
successful detective agency and has a few interesting characters that are her
employees and then you add in her strange love life you have a wonderful cast
of characters that come to life through the pages of this book.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Must Love Dogs by Claire Cook
By Claire Cook
Divorced forty year old Sarah Hurlihy
is finally ready to start dating again, after much urging from her rather large
and obnoxious family. Her sister decides she needs to place a personal add in
the local paper and then after much nagging she concedes, from here thing get a
lot more interesting in Sarah’s life and she soon has more male attention than
she knows what to do with.
I fell in love with the Movie Must
Love Dogs when it came out and I had, had no idea that it was based on a book
when I found this out I of course had to read it. Unfortunately the book fell
flat compared to the movie, the romance between John and Sarah was not very
believable it just seemed she had decided after she exhausted her other two
options to go with him. I had hoped for more details but we actually get less in
the book than we do with the movie. I hate it when Hollywood out does a book
but this is one of those rare instances.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Toys by James Patterson
By James Patterson
Hays is an Elite genetically altered
to be perfection personified with super strength and speed, but when Hays finds
out he is not actually an elite but was born as a human his entire world is
tossed upside down and thrown into a battle as the Elites he once loved and was
an integral part of want to exterminate all humans. Together with his adoptive
sister he had not known existed, the two work together to aid the human
resistance and bring an end to the war between the two factions and along the
way their relationship becomes more than either of the two expected.
James Patterson is a fantastic author
and this book is no exception he brings science fiction and mystery combining
the two into a face paced and unbelievable action and adventure novel. I am not
big on the romance he created in this book I know they are not actually related
and that they had never met before, but calling each other brother and sister
playfully then lusting after her the next minute is a bit weird to me, not to
mention he has a wife and kids even though his wife wants him dead after she
finds out he is a human. Maybe I am a bit biased since I have read some of
Patterson’s romances and I know for a fact he can do much better. That
withstanding it is a fun book and a great read.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
By Stephen King
Nine year old Trisha McFarland is
hiking along listening to her mother and older brother bicker incessantly she
begs for them to stop so she can use the restroom but they are so engrossed
with their conversation they don’t even notice. Trisha decides to stop anyways
thinking she will do her business and she will be able to catch up with them in
no time and maybe, just maybe, they will notice her missing and it will give
them something else to talk about. But Trisha can’t seem to find where they
have gone off to; she can’t even find the trail she was on. Now Trisha is lost
in the woods with only her Walkman to give her comfort as she tunes into
baseball games and fantasizes that Tom Gordon is there with her protecting her.
Soon, something begins to follow her, something sinister, will Trisha be able
to find her way to safety or will whatever has taken notice of her end her
misery once and for all?
With this novel it is hard to
decipher what is illusion and what is truth as Trisha’s imagination starts to
play tricks on her but so does something else, at times it gets confusing and
most of the time I kept thinking “well that must be fake too” when it was
actually something that was supposed to be physically happening. I think this
is why the book was so interesting though that you couldn’t tell. I haven’t
read much of Stephen King’s work, but this was spooky, not in the bump in the
night sort of way, but putting aside that Trisha is nine how would anyone react
to being lost for days in the woods. All in all it was an interesting story and
a good read, Stephen King is a great writer and he was able to bring to life
the deeper recesses of the human mind along with the supernatural.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Poor Little Bitch Girl by Jackie Collins
By Jackie Collins
New York’s number one madam,
Annabelle Maestro must return to Las Angeles when her movie star mother has
been murdered and the prime suspect is her legendary film star father. Denver
Jones is a hot shot attorney in L.A. who used to be friends with Annabelle and
is pulled onto the case all the while Denver’s best friend Carolyn Henderson
assistant to a married senator and finds out she is pregnant with his child.
Then we have the heart throb Bobby Santangelo Stanislopolous, friend of
Annabelle’s drug addicted boyfriend, when he runs into Denver the sparks fly
and that is only the beginning of this story. Murder, Hollywood, Scandal, and
Prostitution this novel has a little bit of everything for everyone.
Jackie Collins manages to intertwine
four stories into an incredible novel. I have never before read a Jackie
Collins novel she is another author I have seen everywhere but when I saw the
title of this novel I just couldn’t resist. This novel is not for the faint of
heart if you don’t enjoy a good sizzling sex scene then you should certainly
look elsewhere for your pleasure but if you do Jackie Collins doesn’t
disappoint. Piled full of lust and intrigue this is a remarkable novel.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Austenland by Shannon Hale
By Shannon Hale
Jane is unlucky in love to say the
least, after one failed relationship aft6er another she soon becomes obsessed
with Mr. Darcy. When he great aunt passes away Jane receives an unexpected
gift, the vacation of her dreams to Pembrook Park where she will be immersed in
regency England. Jane decides to take the gift and purge her system of all of
her Mr. Darcy fantasies hoping in doing so she will be able to finally move on
and find a lasting love. What she doesn’t realize is the man of her dreams may
not be Mr. Darcy but the love they share will be just as strong.
This was such a cute novel Shannon
Hale did a wonderful job in recreating an Austen-esque setting with the right
blend of modern influences. The ending was my absolute favorite as Jane is
turned on her head with an unexpected revelation that is sure to leave you
giggling. If you are a fan of Jane Austen and have also found yourself swooning
at Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy then you will surely appreciate this book, if not then
you may enjoy the witty dialog and the personal growth the character traverses.
This is an absolutely wonderful contemporary romance novel.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
By Robert Ludlum
Off a small island in
the Mediterranean a man is found floating in the ocean. The man has no memory
of who he is and how he came to be floating in the ocean clinging to a plank.
He is taken to a doctor who has been tending to him upon his awakening the doctor
tries to help him remember the man has had extensive facial reconstruction and
something implanted in his hip that has a bank account number on it. The man
follows the bank account lead and begins to discover very odd things about
himself, that he has an uncanny knowledge of how to kill without being
detected, how to blend in to his surroundings and even how to change his
appearance so thoroughly no one will recognize him, but how does he know these
I have never seen any
of the Bourne movies and this is my first spy novel so I had no idea what to
expect. I guess I didn’t expect there to be so much discussion on every little
thing and I had thought there would be a lot more action. There were times when
I desperately wanted to tell the author to get to the point, or at least back
to the fun action parts, but when it did come to the action it was so well
written and intense I would feel even more irritated when I had to sit through
more debate. Not only was this novel a brilliant action packed story but also a
love story, Jason Bourne meets takes a woman hostage but then the hostage
begins to be his only ally and the bond they form is remarkable. This was a
well written and thoroughly addictive story.
For More Reviews be
sure to visit my blogs at:
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
So we are finally back in the USA and it has been amazing to be home. I have wanted to post the past few days unfortunately we are have internet issues. First it was the hotel we were at, oh Lord I tried and well lets just say I had better internet in Germany. Now I am at my mothers house and her internet hates my computer so, this is to let evereone know that it will probably be a few days before I can post for your pleasure! On the Bright side however I managed to find two bookstores while we had our lay over in Houston, much to my husband's dismay. Now back to spending time with my family! I haven't seen them in over a year now so it has been a long time coming! I promise to get back you all as soon as I possibly can!
-Bookworm aka Heather
-Bookworm aka Heather
Friday, August 3, 2012
Rescue Me by Rachel Gibson Review
Rescue Me
Lovett, Texas Series Book Three
By Rachel Gibson
Sadie Hollowell never seemed to fit
in, in her hometown of Lovett Texas population ten thousand. As soon as she
turned eighteen she escaped the prying eyes of such a small community to live
her own life. Now she has come back after not being home for the last five years
for her cousins wedding. She’s thirty three unmarried and not looking, making
her still an outsider she is determined to get back to her life in Phoenix as
soon as the wedding is over but when a family emergency keeps her in Texas
longer than she wanted she may as well make the best of it. This is where Vince
Haven, former Navy Seal, comes in. What starts out as friends with benefits
soon turns into something more at least for Saddie.
Rachel Gibson has managed to write a
beautiful romance novel full of drama and a bit of humor. Sadie is not an
ordinary girl next door character; she is strong willed and very independent,
making this an interesting romance where the woman herself fights her feelings.
Though this may seem like an ordinary contemporary romance novel it has an
amount of depth that you would not have expected. I truly enjoyed this novel
though if you do read it be sure to have tissues by your side.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Fallen By Lauren Kate Review
Fallen Series Book One
By Lauren Kate
Luce Price is sent to a reform school
after a fire breaks out though she manages to escape her boyfriend is not so
lucky. Even though the police cannot prove she started the fire her tales of
the shadows that were the cause have landed her at Sword & Cross. When she
first arrives she sees a boy who she feels she has met before and is
inexplicably drawn to him, Daniel does everything he can to keep his distance
but he too feels the pull. Daniel is not the only one vying for Luce’s
attention, Luce is also drawn to Cam a devil may care guy who tries his hardest
to court her. This love triangle and the ever present shadows are only the
beginning for Luce as she is pulled into a world where her fate has been
preordained, or has it?
Luce believes she is crazy because
she has been seeing shadows for the past twelve years looming ominously, as the
story progresses we are able to see a transformation in Luce as she is
empowered by the people around her. It
is a beautiful story of love and friendship in some of the most trying times in
a Luce’s life. Lauren Kate did a wonderful job keeping you guessing as to what
was going on till the very end, yes you do get a vague idea of what could
happen but in the end she manages to surprise you. This is an interesting story
and I can’t wait to read what happens next.
For More Reviews be sure to visit my
blogs at:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
1984 by George Orwell Review
Nineteen Eighty-Four
By George Orwell
George Orwell creates
a world where the government has complete control and even thinking of
something that “Big Brother” does not seem worthy is punishable by torture and
or death. Big Brother has complete control of the citizens and alters the
information people receive so that they blindly follow whatever is put forth to
them. The main character, Winston Smith, dares to defy what he is being told
and tries to rebel, unfortunately he lives in a society where you cannot trust
anyone and Big Brother is always watching you.
This is definitely a
thought provoking novel of blind faith, and the inner workings of the human
psyche. What makes children turn on their own parents? What would you do if you
were not even allowed to enjoy intercourse? These are just a couple of the
questions that George Orwell brings to mind, I am not sure if we could ever
truly know the answers to some of the questions that are posed in this novel
and I hope we would never have to find out. It was an interesting book and I am
glad I read it. George Orwell was able
to capture such a frightening future so realistically some people have begun to
believe this story may be prophetic, I myself see it as purely science fiction.
This is truly a classic in every sense of the word and I believe it will stand
the test of time to scare the daylights out of generations to come.
For More Reviews be
sure to visit my blogs at:
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