Hey guys! I would like to thank Rachel Hunter for a
wonderful Interview and I hope you all enjoy! :D

Author Bio: Born in 1993, Rachel Hunter
has always been fascinated with words and the intricate way in which they
combine. Since a child, she has been an avid writer, winding vibrant tales and
elaborate stanzas on folded bits of paper.
As the years passed, her love of words never died; her adoration for reading
fared no equal. Always with her nose in a book, Rachel took fondly to
works spanning all genres. Yet it was the compelling grasp of fantasy and
science fiction that wrenched her fascination above all.
In March of 2012, Rachel published her first short story with Trestle
Press, titled, "Perfect Nothing", which recounted her harrowing
relationship with an eating disorder and was also fueled by her passion for
psychology. But her writing does not end there. While currently pursuing a degree
in psychology and in the medical field at the University of Oklahoma, she
aspires also to illuminate the creative spark of eager readers. In her desire
to incite intrigue, she is simultaneously exploring new worlds and creating
vast empires of her own. "Empyreal Fate" is only the first in her
Llathalan Annal series. Indeed, it is only the beginning.
Q: How did you come up with Llathala, is it something
you envisioned of your own creation or did something inspire you?
A: I’ve been inspired by many stories I’ve read in
the past; but, honestly, Llathala just sort of came to me. Actually, one of my
main characters – Amarya – came to me first. And then the land materialized
around her. I think she whispered about it in my ear and described it for me
herself. I had only to listen – and understand.
Q: With such unusual names for your characters and
even for the places, how do you come up with what to call them in the first
A: Titles, as well as names, seem to come easily for
me. Again, it’s almost as if the characters choose their names for themselves.
I simply create their personalities, morals, and heritage. They do the rest.
One name that I was always sure I’d include in a novel
someday was Nevaeyeh. I hope that – if I ever have a child in the future and
she is female – to call her that. I find it to be a beautiful name. And it
works well for the being in my story. (Watch out for her. She’s more than she
Q: I know an author falls in love with their main
characters, so one of my favorite questions to ask is which of the side
characters did you enjoy the most?
A: So far, I’ve enjoyed writing Pin the most. Pin –
short for Pinoque – is a creature I made up, called a Cauychin. He’s a rascally
beast, cat-like almost. He is quite the witty creature, and he always insists
on wearing a funny hat with a thick plume. Oh, yes, one cannot forget: he is
also friend to the elves (Amarya in particular. She is the elf featured on the
cover of Empyreal Fate).
Q: In your bio it says you are pursuing a degree in
psychology and in the medical field at the University of Oklahoma; do any of
your studies play a part in your writing of Empyreal Fate?
A: Indeed! I enjoy implementing my knowledge of
psychology and personality into my characters and their environment. I am quite
the ‘people-watcher’, so I’ve much to relate between characters in my fictional
world and figures in the real world. Besides, I’ve incorporated various motifs
in Empyreal Fate that reflect a few of my ideals. Such can be
related to my own psychological insight.
Q: You are published through
Hydra Publications.
What made you decide on that publishing house versus self-publication or other
publishing houses?
A: I wanted to go with a publisher that was willing
to aid its authors with marketing, editing, and the entire publishing gig – one
that was more like a writing family: supportive and ever-helpful. Thus, after
several hours of research, I submitted a few query letters out to relevant
publishers and was even asked to send more info to some. In the end, I received
offers for two contracts – and during the same week! I chose Hydra in the end,
for they dealt solely with speculative fiction genres, and their house was
growing - indicating positive relationships between publisher and authors. I
made the right decision. I couldn’t be happier.
Q: Do you have any advice or tips for aspiring
A: I say this to everyone - not just
writers - but as far as advice…. READ. Seriously. And write to your heart’s
content. It doesn’t have to make sense at all (in fact, the more nonsensical,
the better). But the Muse must come out somehow; it must be beckoned and tamed,
and then it must be heeded and groomed. But without the “experience” of
literature under one’s belt – from reading, writing, and even research - the
craft of writing will fall in shadow. At least – I find that immersing myself
in words helps spark the creative flair. It gets the cogs turning, at the
Q: Empyreal Fate is book one of the Llathalan Annals,
could you give us a hint as to what we might expect from the next book?
A: I’ve actually written the entire series, and
there are five books total. However, the other four are only rough drafts, and
I’ve yet to go back through them for heavy edits and rewrites. So in the end,
the Llathalan Annal may end up with more – or even fewer –
sequels. It all depends on whether I want to rewrite the other four books and
incorporate new ideas – or whether the Muse wants to guide me with something
different. We’ll see… But my only ‘hint’, if you wish to call it such, is that
the world will indeed return. Part Two will be upon us soon. Are you ready?
For More Information About the Author:
For more information on Empyreal Fate: